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2018-10-23 SB min.- communications

Town of Princeton, Mass., Selectboard Meeting Minutes
– Oct. 23, 2018 – 8:30 AM – Town Hall Annex
        Present:  Chair Richard Bisk, Karen Cruise & Edith Morgan.

8:30 AM  Meeting called to order.

Communication Plan – Edie and Richy suggested edits to the revenue sources letter Karen drafted. Karen went over Nina's suggestions with the others. Most were considered to be correct but too much detail for the letter.

ACTION – Board voted all in favor to accept the revenue sources letter subject to the suggested edits

SB attendance at a Town Buzz session – Because this will be the last opportunity for Richy to participate in planning for the Nov 7 SB attendance at a Town Buzz session, the team discussed the topics the residents have brought up and other topics that they may want to bring up and decided what topics to list on the agenda for that SB meeting.

Adjourn 9:15 AM

Respectfully submitted, Karen Cruise, Selectboard member

S.B. Referenced Documents:  Revenue sources letter.